
World Oil Podcast: Live from the Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference

Jim Watkins from World Oil Magazine talks with Catalyst COO Seth Moore at the Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference about the return of the event and how supply chain issues have affected the industry. 

Listen to their discussion here: 

Seth Moore, Catalyst Energy Services interview at 12:14

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Seth Moore

Jim Watkins:


Jim Watkins:

Alright. We’re here now with Seth Moore, the COO and executive vice president of Catalyst Energy Services. Seth, welcome to the show.

Seth Moore:

Thank you. Thanks for having us.

Jim Watkins:

So tell us, how do you think the show’s going? This is the first time you’ve been in a show like this being a relatively new company, right?

Seth Moore:

Well, this is the first time I’ve been as a representative of Catalyst. I’m really pleased by what I see. It’s a lot of people, it’s funny, I’ve been doing this a while, so you see, you run into a lot of old friends and yep. It’s a bit of kind of a homecoming, if you will, you know, to see people that you worked with years ago and that you interacted with in some way or another, and to see them doing good and their companies having survived and all of the turmoil of the last few years, I think there’s a very positive vibe to this show that it’s refreshing to see given the last two years or so that we’ve all had this blanket over us, you know.

Jim Watkins:

Yeah, for sure, for sure. I mean, that’s one big takeaway for me from this show is just fantastic to see so much life and excitement and energy back into business again. So that’s for sure. Now tell us a little bit about Catalyst and what you guys have here, what you’re talking about at the show.

Seth Moore:

So we’re on the very cusp of unveiling some new technology that we’ve been working on for really, probably four years now, we’ve gone through development and field trials, and we’re starting to build fleets of these turbine direct drive frack units. So it’s been an exciting, frustrating, rewarding. All of the things that you can think of rolled into one time over the last few years of putting this together. So we’re there.

Jim Watkins:


Seth Moore:

We kind of got to that point where we feel like we’re ready to go kind of start replicating and going forward and going to market with this. So we’ve got a bit of a story to tell. So it was part of the reason for being here this week and getting to see all the efforts of the Catalyst team and the many vendors and partners that we work with. See their efforts come together, been rewarding.

Jim Watkins:

Yeah. That’s one of the best parts about being an entrepreneur, right. That’s right. And running a company is when you see all these ideas and all these people come together and then you get to see it in reality there. So this is exciting and good timing too, right? Yes. I mean, things are coming back, so it, you know, everything seems to be working, but tell me, I know just a little bit about this part of the business, but is it difficult? Is the whole supply chain issue affecting you guys? I mean, can you ramp up as quickly as you’d like to, or are there issues there?

Seth Moore:

Yes, no. Yes. So, so yes. <laugh> yes. There are supply chain issues. No, we can’t ramp up as fast as we want to. And yes, I think it’s affecting everyone. Right. So right. We have to figure out innovative ways to get beyond that. I think for a while you kind of, you know, we never believed in playing the role of the victim, so, right. How do you make the most out of a situation? That’s not ideal. We’ve tried to partner with vendors and suppliers that share that same, you know, philosophy. And that can look for innovative ways to get their supply chains up and running quicker. It’s still not ideal. We still feel their struggles. And we struggle because of it, even internally, the stuff that we do, we had a period where we had a rash of COVID cases within the company. Right. And so we had people, I mean, it’s just the little things that, you know, two and a half years ago, you didn’t think about exactly. Now you, you have to think about it.

Jim Watkins:

So, oh yeah. That is interesting because all of those little, that extra layer, I was talking with somebody about it today, it’s like an extra layer of difficulty placed over the top of everything. Right, right. It’s difficult enough to get a business up and going in the best of times, but you throw a layer of uncertainty, like, Hey, guess what? All of our staff could be out sick next week. You don’t know, you don’t know what’s goanna happen. Hey, guess what? All those things we ordered that they said, oh yeah, you’ll have that in 30 days. Now it’s 90. Right. I mean, and those are all outta your control, so. Bravo and, you know, sticking with it and bring things to market, even in these difficult circumstances. So have you written an article for World Oil Magazine?

Seth Moore:

We’ve got one in the works, but it’s not complete yet.

Jim Watkins:

Yet, so, okay.

Seth Moore:

It’s, it’s a work in progress, but yes.

Jim Watkins:

All right. Well, good. We’ll be looking forward to seeing some details on the technology, but Seth, thank you so much for being with us today.

Seth Moore:

No, I appreciate it. Thanks for having us. And I look forward to some more interaction in the future.

Jim Watkins:

Alright, Seth. Thanks. Thank you.


About Catalyst Energy Services

Catalyst Energy Services started with the idea that technology is the key to the future. We take the stewardship of preserving our world’s resources seriously and are dedicated to constantly innovating our sector of the energy industry to achieve cleaner, safer, and optimized production. Built by an accomplished executive team with over 100 years of hands-on experience in the field, engineering, and business management, we are an emerging stimulation service company specializing in hydraulic fracturing treatment.



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