VortexPrime™ at Work: Catalyst Shares Results of Recent Case Study
Catalyst Energy Services COO, Seth Moore, joins Oil & Gas Journal Editor in Chief, Chris Smith, to discuss the results and insights of the company’s

Ways to Increase ESG Through New Flaring and Fracturing Technology
Recorded October 13, 2022 In this panel discussion, our Seth Moore talks about the importance of partnership in bringing new, innovative technologies that meet both

Greener: Heard at the Pump
Recorded May 17, 2022 At Hart Energy’s DUG Permian Conference, Catalyst COO Seth Moore joins host Brian Walzel and panel partner, Megan Pearl, Director of

SPE Tech Talk: The Path to Eco-Conscious Hydraulic Fracturing
VortexPrime™ leads the industry in eco-conscious hydraulic fracturing without sacrificing power and production. In this conversation with SPE Tech Talk host, Joe Sinnott, Seth Moore,

Technology Trends: Best Practices in Carbon Management
Catalyst COO, Seth Moore speaks with Len Vermillion at Hart Energy’s 2022 DUG Midcontinent Conference about Catalyst Energy Service’s newest technology, VortexPrime™. They discuss the

What is Hydraulic Fracturing and Why Does it Matter?
If you asked your friends and family what fracing is, they’ve all likely heard of it but can’t explain what it is or how it

Oil & Gas Pitch Podcast: Episode 23
Catalyst Energy Services’ Chief Operating Officer, Seth Moore, joins Warren Spiwak on the Oil and Gas Pitch podcast to discuss Catalyst’s VortexPrime™ product and its

World Oil Podcast: Live from the Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference
Jim Watkins from World Oil Magazine talks with Catalyst COO Seth Moore at the Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference about the return of the event and

What are Petrochemicals and Why Do We Need Them?
Petrochemicals are chemical compounds that are extracted by refining and processing petroleum (crude oil) and natural gas. They are important components in many of the

Unveiling VortexPrime – OGGN Tech Talk
Recorded live at the Petroleum Club in Midland, Oil & Gas Global Network’s (OGGN) Michael O’Sullivan talks with Catalyst Co-founders, Bobby Chapman and Seth Moore,

How Do Natural Resources Become Energy?
A Look at Upstream, Midstream and Downstream There are many terms used in the Oil and Gas industry that most outsiders don’t recognize but are

The “f” Word – OGGN HSE Podcast
Catalyst Co-founder, Seth Moore, and QHSE Director, Stan Boatwright, speak with oil and gas industry veteran and Houston American Petroleum Institute Chairman, Russell Stewart, on

Working Towards a Cleaner Future with Environmental Energy Technology
Technology and innovation are the key to creating an environmentally friendly future and the 20th century has produced more technological advancements across a range of products

SPE Tech Talk – ROI or Emissions: Must Frac Operators Choose?
Co-founders Bobby Chapman and Seth Moore joined David Gibson with Society of Petroleum Engineers International (SPE) on March 10, 2022 to discuss the ongoing status

Oil & Gas – It’s not all about fuel and electricity
Did you know that thousands of everyday products are petroleum based? Take one of America’s favorite pastimes, football, for example. Tens-to-hundreds of products related to

A Brief History of Oil & Gas
Did you know that humans have relied on natural resources for thousands of years? The history of oil and gas has a surprisingly ancient origin.