Recorded live at the Petroleum Club in Midland, Oil & Gas Global Network’s (OGGN) Michael O’Sullivan talks with Catalyst Co-founders, Bobby Chapman and Seth Moore, about the company’s newly launched innovation, VortexPrimeTM, the world’s first direct-drive frac pump. Watch and learn how the patent-pending, turbine fleet technology contributes to significantly improved safety, cost and operational efficiency for frac operators and investors.

Relevant links:
Bobby Chapman
Seth Moore
Michael O’Sullivan:
Speaker 1 Standard Intro (00:04):
An industry under pressure, innovation in its finest hour. This is the oil and gas technology podcast where sharp minds reveal the brilliance and sheer determination, turning great ideas into new realities. Hear about how it happens in real life, with your host Michael O’Sullivan.
Speaker 2 Standard disclaimer (00:24):
The views of the host are expressly his own. It should not be construed as the views of any other corporation, governing body or interplanetary federation.
Michael O’Sullivan (00:35):
All right, folks, let me get situated here. All right. This goes over here; this goes over there. We’re going to do something a little bit unusual today. Unusual, but not unique, because those of you long time faithful listeners know that from time to time, we do a live podcast recording. I don’t mean live as in like a livestream or, you know, like a live radio program. It’s not. You’re not listening as it’s happening. It’s still pre-recorded because we always want to make sure that we did a good job. And we did in this case, but these live podcasts are usually in front of some sort of an audience, and you know, it would be at a conference, or some sort of special event. You know, like somebody’s having a party and all the other entertainment options were not available.
Michael O’Sullivan (01:30):
And so they called us. But in this case, the event was a special product unveiling, a launch of a brand new product. And, one reason why I love this episode is because, you know, you’ve heard me say this before – this industry has been in the business of technology for a long time. I have a clever little catch phrase that I won’t say until the end of the show. But, technology isn’t always in oil and gas, you know, we get very preoccupied with what we now call the digital technology, the computing stuff. But there’s other kinds of technology and there always has been. And this time we get to talk about some technology that you know, is really the operational stuff that makes the business work.
Michael O’Sullivan (02:23):
And there are some guys that have invented something that is phenomenal, frankly. And so where is this happening? Well, it’s already happened. We spent a few days earlier this week out in beautiful Midland, Texas, which those of you have never been to west Texas you should, absolutely. Everybody needs to go to west Texas at least one time and maybe more than that. So we were in Midland with this company and, at the special launch event. And I did a podcast with the two founders of the company. And so you’re going to hear all about that. You’re going to hear their story and everything. You know, the interesting thing is the company is called Catalyst Energy Services and they’ve been around for three plus years.
Michael O’Sullivan (03:13):
They have created something that’s going to have an amazing impact on the industry, and you’ve probably never heard of them. And that’s because they’ve been kind of working in the background. They’ve had some excellent funding. They have had an excellent team, and they were just quietly working away on this thing until it was ready to bring it out to the world. And so that is what they have done as of a few days ago. And that’s what this episode is about. So ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm OGGN welcome to Bobby Chapman and Seth Moore.
Michael O’Sullivan (04:02):
All right, folks, we are here on location at the Petroleum Club in beautiful downtown Midland, Texas. I know I’m in Midland, and not Houston because my skin is already starting to crackle and peel and, I’m trying to find enough lotion to put on. But we are here at the Petroleum Club and we do have – so those of you faithful listeners following along at home know that occasionally we do these live episodes. And so, we are here and we’ve got what is sort of – what we used to call a live studio audience. They are also eating lunch. And those of us who are in the podcast who I’m going to introduce in just a second, are now not having lunch yet. And that’s part of the whole way that they’re going to make sure that we don’t talk too long because we have to wait while everybody else is eating.
Michael O’Sullivan (04:48):
So, there might be a little bit of noise in the background, which is fine. Let’s see what else? Oh, I need to thank some people. So thanks to all of you for being here. If you weren’t here, then this would be a lot less interesting. Also thanks to everybody at the Petroleum Club, and the staff here has, we’ve been here for a couple of hours and they’re killing it, doing all kinds of great stuff. Let’s see who else? And we got the OGGN crew here. So we’ve got Mark LaCour of course here. We bring him along for, for a celebrity factor, and we’ve got Trey Stanley on the camera and Trevor’s over there on the sound. So these are all the people that typically are part of making all this stuff so great.
Michael O’Sullivan (05:33):
And so we got the crew here, I think that’s it. Did I leave anybody out? That’s good. Oh, and thanks to our host. So the host of this event, Catalyst Energy Services, who put this all together and also happens to be our guests for this particular episode. So I’m here with, Seth Moore and Bobby, I already forgot your last name, Chapman, and Bobby Chapman. You two guys started the company. We’ve already had a little bit of the event here where you talked a little bit about it, but now we’re going to, we’re going to get into it a little bit more. First though, a little bit about you two. I know you guys have both been, you don’t look like it, but you’ve both been in the industry for many decades and, you both have worked for companies. Some of those companies that are household names, at least household names for those of us in oil and gas. Right? Right! Companies like Halliburton, and Weatherford, and Key energy. Yes. You both have like lots of great stories to tell. So let’s just do a little bit. Seth, I’ll start with you. And I know, let’s see, what do I know about you? So you’re from Louisiana originally, right? Yes. But, you’re living out here in Midland?
Seth Moore (06:42):
I’m out here now – been here for eight years.
Michael O’Sullivan (06:44):
Right. So let’s see. Well, what else? You and I got to, so I know you a little bit better, because we got to have coffee a couple of weeks ago.
Seth Moore (06:54):
I think, a career that’s spanned a long time, and got to do a lot of very interesting things, throughout it. Worked on some good teams, on some great projects with customers where we looked for ways to solve problems. I think that that has driven me to associate with like-minded people that like to look for ways to innovate and how do you go about creating something that’s truly different, that brought Bobby and I kind of back together. We’d worked together years ago and we took a, you know, our careers took a little bit of different path. Like this industry often does, you know? And you know, when the call came in from Bobby to say I’ve got an idea, let’s talk about this,” I jumped at the opportunity to do something that’s truly, we think is innovative. And you hear people talk about changing the industry. I think that may get overused somewhat. But, I think in the space with which we play, we truly have the ability to do that. And I’m excited about that.
Michael O’Sullivan (08:11):
It is great. And I did a little bit of homework on what you guys have been doing, so it is exciting. There’s a couple of other interesting things about you though, too. Like, I think I forgot to mention you’re a Petroleum engineer originally, right?
Seth Moore (08:24):
Petroleum Services. Yes. So, yeah.
Michael O’Sullivan (08:26):
But you have lived in a few different places if I’m not mistaken?
Seth Moore (08:29):
Yeah. I …
Michael O’Sullivan (08:31):
Is this, is this cause they kept chasing you out of…?
Seth Moore (08:33):
Yeah, that’s right. With the, you know, locals behind me with pitchforks. You know, the Middle East, the far east, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, Japan. A lot of the great and, in this great country, Denver and Houston, Louisiana.
Michael O’Sullivan (08:56):
Our country.
Seth Moore (08:58):
Yeah. I’ve been blessed to get to really experience a lot of the geography of our industry, you know, a lot of the great basins within our industry while doing something that I love to do.
Michael O’Sullivan (09:14):
Yeah. In this industry, there’s a lot of people who have similar stories about living in all these other places. Okay. All right. Enough about you.
So, Bobby, I had you, and I really didn’t get to hang out earlier. It also appears that you’re sort of a mysterious figure. Like nobody, nobody really knows. I was trying to do a little homework, like in advance, you know, and there’s a couple of things I know. You’re also a Petroleum engineer and you worked with some of those, same companies. I don’t know if you’ve globe trotted quite as much as Seth has, but, now I was told that I may or may not want to bring a up LSU.
Bobby Chapman (10:00):
Yeah, 2019 would’ve been a good year to mention, to mention LSU.
Michael O’Sullivan (10:02):
LSU. Yeah.
Bobby Chapman (10:04):
Not the past two years.
Michael O’Sullivan (10:05):
Yeah. But you are a big fan, you are?
Bobby Chapman (10:09):
Season tickets for 50 years.
Michael O’Sullivan (10:11):
50 years. Yes. Wow. Wow. That’s a long time. Right. And, anyway, so what else about your story that’s interesting?
Bobby Chapman (10:21):
Yeah, so like Seth, I was born in, and my early years were in, Louisiana. We were born and raised not too far apart in north central Louisiana. Hence why I went to LSU. You know, as they say, I wasn’t born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could. So, I’ve been living in Texas for most of my life now. Got out of LSU, went to work for a very large integrated services company. Yeah. And actually learned the business there and am eternally grateful for those guys. For teaching us the ropes and the right way to do things actually.
Michael O’Sullivan (11:08):
Did you two work together when you were there? So you’ve known each other for a long time because you mentioned, Seth mentioned that when the call came from Bobby – which sounded a little bit dramatic when you said it, “So when the call came, I answered the call.” And since your founder is usually a “why” and “how do we start the company” which you got into a little bit earlier, but that usually comes into the story of your life. So, what instigated all that, that dramatic call that you got?
Bobby Chapman (11:40):
Well, Michael, when I left Halliburton I guess I proceeded to break-out a little bit from what I was at Halliburton and, and really started an entrepreneurial, career starting companies and, and basically selling those. I think this is my fourth industry startup. I helped Weatherford start their business. I was actually involved with a company who was, we were starting a fracturing services company in Argentina. Oh. Which can be a very frustrating place to do business. And, really the US market in 2018, 2017 and 18, was beginning to rebound. So really, kind of planted a seed, started generating the idea of maybe there was an opportunity to do something different in the US. A lot of legacy competitors here that had older equipment and thought there was an opportunity to do something somewhat different, starting with a blank piece of paper. Just how, how would I do this if I wanted to just start over.
Michael O’Sullivan (13:04):
Sure. So Seth, what did you hear in the call? Like what, what, what was it that got you excited?
Seth Moore (13:14):
You know, the exciting part was doing something – at a high level – that really had not been successfully done before. So it was a challenge.
Michael O’Sullivan (13:22):
Seth Moore (13:22):
There were some obvious benefits if you could pull it off. And, so that was an exciting part of it. But, I think the thing for me, I was kind of getting along in my career and years and it’s like, “Yeah, maybe here’s an opportunity to do something in the latter stages of my career that could have a very long, long lasting effect on the industry.” And of course, Bobby, a ton of respect for Bobby, from way back. So he and I, to be able to partner together, that was just, that was exciting.
Michael O’Sullivan (13:59):
So it is an interesting thing, right. Because, I mean, you guys essentially have a startup that started about three, three years ago, something like that. You said, you were well into your careers at that point, right? I’ve done that startup thing before- it is not for the faint of heart. And it’s not for somebody who says, you know, I’ve kind of been working a long time and maybe I don’t want to work so much anymore. And, so you weren’t, you weren’t some like young people in the industry who said, “we got this great idea. It’s going to change everything, we’re going to get rich.” So, there’s a mission here that really has something that’s not the usual kind of what’s in the crosshairs for people that have a startup.
Michael O’Sullivan (14:43):
So, that’s the part of the story that I think is interesting, because it’s something that hasn’t been done before, but it’s doing something for the industry that I think is great. So let’s, maybe we could just share a little bit of history of. Historically in fracking, there’s lots of people that have lots of complaints about fracking. But, there’s something that you guys kind of took aim at. What, what was it like before? Like what have people done up until now that was the situation that you said we can make that better?
Bobby Chapman (15:23):
Yeah. Well, you know, the traditional evolution of the fracturing industry is putting a lot of equipment on location. I mean, the process of fracturing involves a lot of, a lot of horsepower, a lot of energy. It’s just a very energy intensive process to make the process work. I mean, the natural evolution was with diesel powered equipment. You know, we used to joke you could see a fleet, from 10 miles away. From just the black smoke that was rising up off of location. And, you know, it was obvious, obviously a lot of pollution and emissions that were going into of the air. And, you know, that was the evolution. People are still building and operating a lot of older, high emissions, diesel powered equipment. There’s a lot of equipment that’s fairly low horsepower for a unit. So, you know, kind of throwing equipment at the problem has been the past solution.
Michael O’Sullivan (16:35):
Okay. Yeah. I mean, I feel like this is Midland, so you can see anything from 10 miles away. But there are things that, like did anybody along the way, did anybody say, I wish we could do something, you know, if only we could do this, if only we could do that, was there that sort of talk, sort of leading up to this point?
Seth Moore (17:02):
Sure. I think so. The idea of how do you, how do you change the formula that’s being used? And as Bobby said, as frac work, the actual process grew, we just kept – the industry kept throwing more equipment at the problem. And bigger equipment at the problem. And that took care of maybe of what was needed down hole, in the actual reservoir. But in terms of the top side equipment, what creates that stream of black smoke that, I don’t know, maybe here it’s 20 miles. But that really hadn’t changed a whole lot. Yeah. There were some evolving technologies, but realistically it hadn’t changed you know. We were taking an internal combustion engine and creating work power with it. So there really wasn’t really a whole lot of change.
Michael O’Sullivan (17:54):
So one thing that did change is, all of a sudden, some new things became very important right. In the, in the industry. All of a sudden, there was a lot more emphasis on all the things that kind of fly under the heading of ESG. And I know I’m, I’m leading the witness a little bit, because you told me a little bit of the story when we were, having coffee a couple weeks ago. But all of a sudden the company – its hard. Like, do I satisfy this set of objectives or do I satisfy that set of objectives? So explain that a little bit.
Bobby Chapman (18:26):
No, I think that’s a good point. I mean, sometimes the ESG objectives, conflict with economic objectives.
Michael O’Sullivan (18:34):
Bobby Chapman (18:35):
Yeah. Sometimes and a lot of times, right. So when we started Catalyst, I mean, Seth and I kind of sat down and you know, my engineering thinking is, let’s look at the pluses and minuses of these different processes and let’s see what may be the best solution out there. So, you know, that process of checking boxes kind of led us to the path that we’re on today. You know, if you look at emissions, if you look at numbers of trucks up and down roads, if you look at safety factors, you know, the economics are a huge thing as well. Looking at all those things, we think we’re headed in the direction that can be very unique in what we’re doing.
Michael O’Sullivan (19:26):
Right. Right.
Seth Moore (19:30):
I’ll say something, you know, as kind of a collateral benefit. You know, it’s funny, as your children age and they start becoming young adults- I can remember we were riding, in a car one day. Couple of my children were with me and my wife and they had a friend with them from Colorado. And the friend looked out – and it was a time when a lot of gas was being flared – and the question was, “Why are we doing that? Why, why, why is that just being wasted?” And as an adult and someone that’s spent my life in this industry, you know, it was a, it was kind of, I felt a knot in my throat. Right. Because you know, you look at it and go, “Maybe there’s a better way, maybe we can do something different?” And I think that’s a benefit to what we’re talking about today. Right. There’s an opportunity to, to maybe not eliminate that, but to reduce it by the degree that we can reduce it. Yeah. And an added benefit.
Michael O’Sullivan (20:24):
I did hear something about you that, that the desire to not waste things, it’s kind of built into your upbringing.
Seth Moore (20:32):
Yeah. I come from a family where my dad had a salvage business and he, of course told us that everything has a value. You don’t waste anything. And, when we look at a direction that the industry has taken, maybe there’s a way to take a different turn that is a little bit different.
Michael O’Sullivan (20:52):
Right, right. Right. Okay. All right. So, the industry had a way of doing things, it involved, throwing equipment at it. And now there’s people out there who are saying, “Maybe we could do this differently on top of that.” There’s some new industry pressures that are saying you really need to do this differently. And, somewhere in the midst of all that, you guys have this idea, and fast forward to today and you’re unveiling a product. So, which by the way, I have to say, Vortex Prime is a really cool name. And I understand there was a little bit of, there was a little bit of thinking that went into it, and it does sound a little bit like a transformer movie.
Michael O’Sullivan (21:40):
Right. But, I know, and I’ve been in this, in the position of having to name a product – it’s never a good time. So I think you guys came out with some of the good. So what is it like, what is, how does it, how, what, in terms of this whole… And we’re not going to get into like doing an infomercial for the product. But what we want to understand is how, what is the potential for changing the industry and, and what are you all bringing to the party and this particular thing that you’re so passionate about. So, you got in there, you did something about it. What does it look like?
Seth Moore (22:16):
You know, you’re right. Let’s fast forward to now, today. So from concept to today, and it seems like that’s a quick, quick transition, but in reality there were many, many, many hours spent with a lot of the team that’s represented here today. And some that aren’t in the think tank of solving the problems. Right? Cause you can have a great idea. That’s fine. You can try to, to overcome a problem or a series of problems, but you still have to create the technology to do it. And that was, there were challenges. I mean, we were like any innovator, right? When you, you start down that path, you don’t know what you don’t know. And as you, you come along, you, you, you find those things. We had a great team to help solve that. So the idea was to take a, , kind of a narrow derivative gas turbine, , and which is a high horsepower engine and put that in a direct drive configuration and turn a pump with it. So, different maybe than some of the stuff you see where they use those to generate electricity, to run a pump. This is a direct drive. So you don’t have some of that mechanical loss that you do in some of the other technologies. It had been tried before unsuccessfully.
Michael O’Sullivan (23:37):
So why? Because it seems so, it sounds like what you just said was we got this thing running over here and it’s creating electricity and, then the toast pops up and the golf ball runs down the thing. And he said, well, we just take all that out and we just drive this with that. Right. Why was that?
Seth Moore (23:57):
I think that some of the challenges have been in, how do you control all of that? How do you make that work? You know, in a way with precision. You know, our customers require us to, to be precise in our pressure and in our rate, or bad things happen. And, none of us want that to happen. So how do you create a control that will allow you to do that? And, we took a kind of a page out of the playbook from our upbringing, which was kind of the “Big Red” company. You create within, you build within. And, we’ve gone down that path where we, our guys in our think tank, we did that problem solving ourselves. We did the manufacturing ourselves, herein west Texas that was exciting. And I think that at the end, we, we ended up with a better product. , We, we chat back and forth sometimes, “Was that the most expeditious plan?” I’m not sure. But some of that we’ve, lived with. We think that at the end of the day, we ended up with a better product and there’s a lot of pride in it.
Michael O’Sullivan (25:08):
Bobby Chapman (25:09):
And certainly we’ve considered other options. I mean, the, the electric technology that’s out there is interesting. I think it has some challenges, personally, mostly economically.
I mean, we sat down and looked at that technology I think it from a technology standpoint it’s very doable and it’s interesting, but it was tough for us to make, the numbers work. And I’m not sure I could sell my investors on the capital it takes to build an electric fleet. For what that electric fleet, what the the profit produces is probably not, not that attractive today.
Michael O’Sullivan (25:54):
Makes sense. and so that’s how you get to what you mentioned earlier. I can’t remember whether you mentioned here. We heard it earlier, but, the reduced footprint, right? So much less. And, it’s important for people to understand sometimes that when we talk about, you know, less equipment, fewer pieces of equipment in these environments, these aren’t like washing machines. Right. These are really big things. So you take all of that out and you have…. – So what else does it do?
Seth Moore (26:29):
Michael, to really boil it down, we looked at how do you reduce feet on location? How do you reduce tires on location? For those of you in the industry, understand pumps and there’s plungers and how do we reduce plungers on location? Cause those are big ticket items for us. The, the number of pieces of equipment, the pieces, the personnel that it takes. And then just the, the intensity of the pump. So how do we, how do we shrink all that down, yet still be able to do the amount of work? That was kind of the challenge. That was a design criteria that we set about to do, to achieve. And, we’ve started looking at benefits, talking to customers. They want, you know, something smaller, so they don’t have to build such, it disrupts so much of the space in their properties to prepare for these mega frac fleets that come in. So that, that was one of the benefits, the feet part. I mean, from a safety aspect of being able to have less people that are there in harm’s way and less pieces of equipment to rig in and, and the speed with which we can move from one spot to the next spot. Those were all drivers.
Michael O’Sullivan (27:37):
And you mentioned that, when we were talking before about being able to, getting back to the, satisfying the ESG objectives which are obvious. and everything that you just said. But also the economic objectives, which would otherwise have to be sacrificed potentially. So you had this idea and you had a team who’s here. So what, how did they look at you when you said, this is what we want to do. Because it’s pretty different, right?
Bobby Chapman (28:10):
I think we’ve got various responses. There were some obviously, gung ho to, to jump in and make this work. And I’m sure there were some that were a little bit skeptical that this was the right path. I think we were convinced it was. And, yeah, we were convinced we could, we could make this work.
Michael O’Sullivan (28:31):
Good. Good. So this is a little thing I like to do. Like, let’s pretend that, we wave our magic wands and suddenly everybody, all the operations that are out there today are running with vortex prime. Apart from making you very happy how does that, – what happens to the industry if that were to be the case? And, you’ve explained a lot of it to some degree, but, do we like, do we win in some new way that we didn’t …?
Seth Moore (29:08):
(Bobby) You go ahead.
Bobby Chapman (29:08):
Well, you know, first off I think we reduced the numbers of trucks on our highways running up and down the road and causing, traffic jams and all that, especially on some of the roads that were out on location. You know, we go from 20 pumps in a fleet to eight, which significantly reduces truck traffic, and certainly the number of people – as Seth has mentioned, feet on location. From a cost standpoint, safety standpoint. I mean, all those are clear advantages,. The emissions, from the data that we’re looking at, compared to an older diesel fleet is, I don’t know, 25%.
Michael O’Sullivan (29:56):
25% reduced? or 25% of the?
Bobby Chapman (29:58):
25% of the, probably the original emissions. And we try to convert those to CO2 equivalent, which is kind of the way most people are looking at things and it’s, you know, it’s a significant number in just emissions of, carbon.
Michael O’Sullivan (30:16):
Right, right.
Bobby Chapman (30:16):
I mean, all those are clear advantages. We think the capital to build one of these fleets is well below anything else out there. So that’s a significant economic advantage as well.
Michael O’Sullivan (30:32):
Bobby Chapman (30:33):
Burning natural gas on a well location is a significant cost reduction. It’s, a big number to burning diesel.
Michael O’Sullivan (30:43):
Seth Moore (30:43):
We can burn six to seven tanker loads of diesel a day in normal operations. If we can use field gas or a kind of infield gas, we can reduce that to almost none. You know, kind of with a technology roadmap to get to zero, right. Where we can do power, everything with natural gas, that’s less, as Bobby said, less trucks moving through cities, through school zones, tearing up roads. Aside from the emissions, obviously replacing a liquid, a gallon of liquid diesel emissions with natural gas. There’s, you know, there’s (I’m not an emission scientist), but there’s a huge benefit.
Michael O’Sullivan (31:28):
Right. But you, you don’t have to be one, I think, to figure that out. Right. I’m glad you mentioned roadmap because I think maybe what we’ll do is we will wrap up we’re going to take some question.
Michael O’Sullivan (31:42):
And there you have it. Bobby Chapman and Seth Moore, founders of Catalyst Energy Services. And the world’s very first direct drive, natural gas powered, frac pump. I think that’s the correct terminology. Anyway, it’s remarkable. And, I know, some of you are right now saying, “But wait, I wanted to hear the questions and the answers.” And, you know, maybe you did, I’m going to tell you right now they were excellent questions. The audience asked excellent questions, but they were really just questions that were very specific to the, , people in the room and, and some of the discussion that was happening there. However, if you do have questions, of course, , you always know how to get in touch with me.
Michael O’Sullivan (32:34):
You can send an email to [email protected] and, I’ll be happy to hook you up with the right folks to find out more about that. Also you can always send me an email, for any reason whatsoever. Most especially if you’d like to give me feedback on the show, or if you’ve got ideas for topics that you think would be great, or people that you think would be good guests to have- always looking, for that. And, frankly, you know, I could use all the help I could get. So if you have any ideas, send them my way. Also keep an eye out for what’s happening with OGGN, because things are happening with OGGN.
Michael O’Sullivan (33:18):
The best thing to do is follow us on LinkedIn. And most likely you won’t miss anything there, although sometimes we’re so busy, we forget to tell everybody everything that’s going on. But, one thing in particular that you want to look out for is, let’s see, you’re going to hear this episode, during the week of, February 21st. Well, who knows when you’re going to hear it, but that’ll be your first opportunity to hear it. And if you’re a regular listener, then you’re going to hear this right there in that last full week of February. And, so the week after that on March 3rd is the debut of the new OGGN Unscripted Live, livestream video. And this will be live and you will be watching it.
Michael O’Sullivan (34:07):
And if you watch it live, you’re going to see it as it’s happening. Of course, you can always watch it later if you want, cause that’s the world we live in. You can watch it now, you can watch it later. And you don’t have to, , break your leg, tripping over the furniture, running back from the bathroom because the commercial is over. , Those of you who remember, your siblings saying it’s on and you ran as fast as. Well, yeah, you don’t have to do that. You watch it now, watch it later, but it’s the live stream and it’s unscripted. That’s the title and that’s the spirit of the show. And, you know, I’m not going to say too much except that we’re going to have some well, I’m a host of the show.
Michael O’Sullivan (34:47):
I’ve got a co-host who is Kay Leal. She’s been one of our fan favorites on numerous podcast episodes with me. She and I go way back, and we’re going to be having very interesting guests come on each month. And, you know, it’s not going to be real planned out. So we’re just going to have to see what we end up talking about, but I will tell you that the show opens with cocktail time and real live cocktails that are going to be happening on the show. And so therefore you might want to do the same yourself and kind of join in the spirit of things and we’ll see how it goes. There’s also a ping pong table in the mix. So that’s all I’m going to say. And, it is happening March 3rd, the live stream will be at three o’clock Central Time, 3:00 PM.
Michael O’Sullivan (35:33):
That’s 15:00 for those of you, and other languages. And, it’s going to be great. I’m just telling you it’s going to be great. And, so you need to, follow us on LinkedIn and you’ll get all the information that you need to know about how to watch that. All right. That’s going to wrap it up for today. Thanks everybody for listening. And, because if you weren’t, then this just wouldn’t matter. It just wouldn’t matter. And, but it does matter. And so, thanks to our listeners, thanks also to the OGGN team for all of the great work that they do. Most especially at my audio fixer guy, Mr. Mac Roman, who always makes it sound fantastic. And, now I will get to that. And this episode is a perfect example of you can look back, not just at what Bobby and Seth talked about today, but all of that is the continuing, the legacy of all of that is, is innovation that goes all the way back for decades and decades.
Michael O’Sullivan (36:35):
And, dare I say, a hundred, a century or more of innovation. So anytime you hear somebody saying something about this industry, that sounds not like that, that sounds like maybe we’re a little old fashioned and we’re a little slow, and we’re not up with the times. that is when you need to explain to them that we were tech before tech was cool.
Speaker 1 Standard Outro (36:59):
Check us out next week for another entertaining and yet useful episode of Oil and Gas Tech podcast, a production of the Oil and Gas Global Network. Learn more @
About Catalyst Energy Services
Catalyst Energy Services started with the idea that technology is the key to the future. We take the stewardship of preserving our world’s resources seriously and are dedicated to constantly innovating our sector of the energy industry to achieve cleaner, safer, and optimized production. Built by an accomplished executive team with over 100 years of hands-on experience in the field, engineering, and business management, we are an emerging stimulation service company specializing in hydraulic fracturing treatment.